samedi 8 août 2009

J.J. and F.F. on a boat

I finally have the pictures of the boat trip we had with the Franz in Musilac in July; Below is Julie, a friend of us from London who's now working with Franz Ferdinand on tour; she's great!!! we were so happy to see her again.


I KNOW the damm pictures are all too blury, aarrgg , sorry, the boat was moving a lot... but let's say it brings a little impressionist fashion to the portraits, no? I had to take the most scary away though :)



We spent the afternoon on a rented boat, we could hear the bands playing from the festival ; the driver brought us to some cliff where we jumped in the water, some very high! it was very cool;


Then we party all night , dancing on some Michael Jackson tunes, waou!

we're in France now preparing the recording of the second album ; doing demos and also some administration things; we're going to record at home again but the studio is getting better; Matt, our sound man, will come at the end of the month; So the album should be done mid-fall;


take care all

Love from Jehn

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